Stakeholder Issues and Responses
  • Stakeholder Relations
    Major Concern
    Response and Frequency
  • Shareholder
    • Business Plan
    • Operational Performance
    • Corporate Governance
    • Information Transparency
    • Major Issues
    • Operating Income Announcement (monthly)
    • Financial Report Announcement (annual/quarterly)
    • Shareholders' Meeting (every year)
    • Public Information Observatory and Company Website Major Information Announcement (irregular)
    • Response through the Spokesperson Channel (irregular)
  • Staff
    • Salary and Benefits
    • Industrial Relations / Labour Rights
    • Workplace Safety
    • Reasonableness of Rules and Regulations
    • Opinion Expression Channel
    • Staff Education and Training
    • Performance Evaluation and Promotion System
    • Employee Welfare Committee (quarterly)
    • Labour Conference (quarterly)
    • Company Website/ Email (Irregular)
    • Employee Comment Box (irregular)
    • Employee Questionnaire Survey (irregular)
  • Customer
    • Product Quality Supervision
    • Product Safety Management
    • Compliance with the Code of Conduct
    • Information Disclosure Transparency
    • Business Visits (monthly)
    • Communication Meeting (irregular)
    • Customer Satisfaction Survey (irregular)
    • Email and Telephone Contact (irregular)
  • Supplier
    • Quality and Price Management
    • Supply Conditions
    • Supplier Evaluation
    • Supplier Contract Signing (irregular)
    • Business Visit (irregular)
    • Supplier Evaluation System (annual)
    • Supplier Meeting (irregular)
    • Email and Telephone Contact (irregular)