Other Important Information
1.Employee rights and interests: The company has always treated employees with integrity, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of all employees in accordance with the Labor Standards Law.
2. Employee care: The company pays attention to the safety and physical and mental health of employees, arranges regular health checks and employee insurance, and value the relationship between employees.
3. Investor relations: The company has always pursued the maximization of shareholders' rights and interests as its primary business goal, and disclosed information to the public information observatory in accordance with regulations so that investors can easily understand the company's operating conditions.
4. Supplier relationship: The company formulates supplier operation management procedures and maintains a good relationship with suppliers.
5. Rights of stakeholders: The company maintains a good relationship with stakeholders, and upholds the principle of good faith, providing sufficient business information to properly safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
6. Training status of directors and supervisors: The directors and supervisors of the company all have industry professional background and practical experience in operation and management, and are planning to continue their training in accordance with the "Key Points of Training for Directors and Supervisors of Listed Companies".
7. Implementation of risk management policies and risk measurement standards: formulate various internal regulations and conduct various risk assessment and management.
8. Implementation of customer policy: The main business of the company is in contract with customers to protect the rights and obligations of both parties.
9. The situation where the company purchases liability insurance for directors and supervisors: The company operates or acts in accordance with the law, and the insurance content for directors and supervisors is currently under evaluation and planning.